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Donald's Landing Claim

The Donald’s Landing claim is also in the second research stage.   There was a dispute with the government over information sharing which has been resolved and LBN is currently waiting for the approval of a new research budget. 

Initially Jimmy Donald appeared before the Mckenna McBride Commission and requested 120 acres at Donald’s Landing.  The first is that when the reserve at Donald’s Landing was initially applied for it was in conflict with two Europeans.  One had pre-empted the land just before the claim and another had applied to purchase the other part just after the claim was requested.  However, within ten years both of these claims had been given up and the land had reverted back to the Crown.  There are two parts of this claim.  The first is that the commission should have placed First Nations interests over those of the person who applied for purchase.  Second, once the land reverted back to the Crown it should have been created as a reserve for LBN.  Another part of the Donald’s Landing claim is about the building of a road through the reserve in the 1940s  under the War Measures Act without compensation being paid to LBN.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - Administrative Assistant

Lake Babine Nation requires an Administrative Assistant for the Fisheries Department. The Administrative Assistant will
be responsible for the wide variety of administrative duties in support of the Fisheries Director.

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