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Old Fort

Old Fort is located approximately 30 kilometers northwest of Granisle and is accessible only by boat.  This is a seasonal community, with families returning in the summer to fish, hunt, and gather in the surrounding area.  The Old Fort Mountain is a distinctive feature that can be identified from many points on the lake and serves as a landmark for those travelling to Old Fort. 

Historically this was the site of the original Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) post on Babine Lake, which in turn gave rise to the name “Old Fort”.  Fort Kilmaurs was named after the home county of the Scottish Fur Trader William Brown, who was in charge of establishing the post in 1822.  This post was established near and existing Babine village in an effort to corner that section of the fur market.  Unfortunately for the HBC, they did not really understand the regional geography, trade patterns, or the complex social system and eventually were forced to relocate the post to the north end of the lake to take better advantage of the fishery there. 


Old Fort Updates and Events

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - Administrative Assistant

Lake Babine Nation requires an Administrative Assistant for the Fisheries Department. The Administrative Assistant will
be responsible for the wide variety of administrative duties in support of the Fisheries Director.

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